About Us
Bellevue Primary School is a state school providing quality education for 5-11 year old students for their Year 1 to Year 6 schooling.
Our school is:
a friendly, caring and inclusive learning environment
is appreciative of, and celebrates, our wide range of cultures and ethnicity
located in the northern suburb of Newlands in Wellington
a 'Decile 8' primary school that contributes to a local intermediate for Year 7 and Year 8
made up of collaborative teaching teams that cater to the needs of New Entrants through to Year 6
supportive of students moving from Early Childcare and Kindergarten to our New Entrants, and from our Year 6 classes to their next stage of learning at intermediate
focused on encouraging life long learning in all our students and the adults who work with them
Our classes are organised into five teaching teams:
Hub 1- New Entrant to Year 1 students
Hub 2 - Year 2 students
Hub 3 - Year 3 students
Hub 4 - Year 4 students
Hub 5 - Year 5 and Year 6 students (composite classes)
Supported by the administration and management team
Our teams work closely together to plan and implement programmes to meet the learning needs of students. Teachers focus on differentiating and personalising programmes to meet student needs and stages of development. They plan and teach multi-level programmes which include the core curriculum areas of literacy and numeracy along with a balance of other learning areas.
Our school has fifteen classrooms, a school hall, a library and extensive outside playgrounds. It is well resourced for both students and teachers, fully networked and each classroom has access to a variety of learning tools including digital devices such as computers, chromebooks and iPads to enhance learning.
The hall is used daily as a base by Kapai Kidz for out of school care programmes. This is run as a private business within the school environment. The Kapai Kidz programme operates before and after school during term time. They also run holiday programmes during the school breaks.
Our students enrol from the wider area of Newlands. Bellevue and Newlands Kindergartens both feed into the school as do the local Playcentre and a wide range of other Early Education Centres. Regular pre-school visits are an important part of the transition to school. The majority of pre-schoolers visit at least three times before they officially start school.
Enrol online or pick up and enrolment pack from the office.
Phone 04 478 7037 or email

Learner Profile
We aim for our learners to be:-
Confident in self, have a positive mind-set and can do attitude
Articulate, an effective communicator
Inquisitive, inquiring, asking questions
Resourceful, a problem finder and a problem solver
Flexible, able to cope with change
Resilient, to persevere, to work through challenges, to solve problems
Respectful of self and others
Inclusive, care for others, know how to interact with people
Enthusiastic, value and enjoy learning
Future focused, motivated, with skills and attitudes to get on in life
Reflective, deep thinkers, aware of own strengths,
Risk takers, open to learning, taking on challenges, making mistakes
Aware of ako, able to learn from and teach others
Self-starters, actively involved, making the most of learning opportunities
Responsible, self-directing, self-managing their learning and behaviour to achieve
Academically grounded, with skills in Mathematics and Literacy
Appreciative of diversity, respectful and knowledgeable about their own, Māori and other cultures
Curious and involved, making positive impact in and beyond the school learning community

Our Learning Dispositions
Collaboration/Team work
Our Foundations
Inquiry and making connections
Creating – using knowledge in new ways
Personalised learning
Student ownership of learning
Learning how to learn
Thinking about thinking
Examples and modelling
Assessment for learning
Play-based learning

Our Learning
We aim to develop programmes that connect learning areas, values, key competences, learning dispositions and are relevant to our student’s interests, lives and futures.
Learning is based on student needs and interests. It is shaped by our inquiry model:
Ignite - Provoke, Inspire, Wonder
Engage - Explore, Research, Analyse, Interpret
Empower - Reflect, Take Action, Evaluate
Some of the ‘Big Ideas’, concepts or provocations that we base our teaching and learning on are connected to:-
My world and beyond (Tōku Anō Ao)
Changes (Huringa)
Guardianship (Kaitiakitanga)
Enterprise and how things work (Pāuaua)
Sustainability (Whakauka)
Creativity (Auahatanga)